Shark misinformation and media hysteria

Just a few days ago the british newspaper the Sun reported that a scottish angler had caught a ‘terrifying’ Porbeagle shark.
The man poses with his catch, with the bloodied mouth facing camera. He goes on to warn readers that hundreds of these vicious beasts are just yards off the beach.
As much as I believe we should protect ourselves against a possible shark attack, it should be noted that Porbeagle sharks attacking humans is extremely rare. In fact only two unprovoked attacks have ever been reported. Which makes this newspaper article irresponsible. No doubt the captor of the beast, who just happens to own a charter fishing boat, will take other anglers out to catch their own monster.
The man in the picture claimed to have returned an even bigger shark because as he claims, “I would never kill a fish like that – I’m a conservationist.”
Read the news article below:

Great fright shark

SHARK hunter Hamish Currie poses with his massive prize catch – a vicious 300lb JAWS.
Determined Hamish battled with the menacing 8ft beast for 45 minutes before finally landing the monster.
And last night Hamish warned there are hundreds more terrifying porbeagle sharks – like the one he caught just 100 yards off the coast of Islay in Argyll – prowling British waters.
He said: “It was a hell of a battle – 45 minutes of sheer hell. She didn’t come on board easy.
“The porbeagle is a very vicious and aggressive shark. She is the closest relative to Jaws – the great white shark.
“They’re a hungry bunch. They have even been known to try to eat through a boat’s fuel lines.

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